As you should know, many people around the world dream of a better life in a foreign country, but without job skills and good connections, the risk of exploitation is high. The Migration Policy Institute indicated the United States now spends more on immigration enforcement than on all the other central federal criminal law enforcement agencies combined. Millions of people are on the move. The number of migrants crossing borders in search of employment and human security is expected to increase quickly.
We’d like to explain you our experience about the U. S. work visas for foreign nationals and a littler comparative with the Spanish Immigration policy. At the first part of this post, we’ll do a brief about the background historical of U.S. And the next post, we’ll mention a repercussion about the Economic Crisis on Immigration Policies.
In the U.S. since before the Revolutionary War, in which the country successfully gained its independence from England, Americans not only set conditions for membership but also decided quite literally who would inhabit the land.
From the economic perspective, immigration is viewed as a source of additional labor, which decreases cost of employment for employers or at least stops it from rising; when we’re talking about the highly skilled; it also externalizes the cost of training. That means that employees are trained outside the country and the costs are not borne by businesses themselves. Therefore, business interests have been generally supportive of immigration.
The connection of these identity and economic worries explains why, throughout its history, immigration policy in the United States has frequently had an open policy to migrants from one part of the world while shutting the door for migrants from somewhere else.
Policies, labor-recruitment strategies, and popular sentiment from several time periods in US history reflect the historical tensions and unexpected political alliances.
We’ll mention some of those policies and strategies researched by Migration Information Source and I will compare with the Spanish immigration policies:
Immigration law maintained an annual limit on numbers of immigration.
Something similar situation is occurring in Spain, where each third month the employment office published a list of available work position for foreign nationals. Any other job offer have been hiring with national workers. The reality is that normally those lists is not much useful to hiring foreign nationals because the public jobs offers are not request for companies or are not commonly positions.
There are annual allotments reserved for persons qualifying as refugees under the new international definition and other quantities set aside for persons with skills certified as being in shortage.We’d like to explain you our experience about the U. S. work visas for foreign nationals and a littler comparative with the Spanish Immigration policy. At the first part of this post, we’ll do a brief about the background historical of U.S. And the next post, we’ll mention a repercussion about the Economic Crisis on Immigration Policies.
In the U.S. since before the Revolutionary War, in which the country successfully gained its independence from England, Americans not only set conditions for membership but also decided quite literally who would inhabit the land.
From the economic perspective, immigration is viewed as a source of additional labor, which decreases cost of employment for employers or at least stops it from rising; when we’re talking about the highly skilled; it also externalizes the cost of training. That means that employees are trained outside the country and the costs are not borne by businesses themselves. Therefore, business interests have been generally supportive of immigration.
The connection of these identity and economic worries explains why, throughout its history, immigration policy in the United States has frequently had an open policy to migrants from one part of the world while shutting the door for migrants from somewhere else.
Policies, labor-recruitment strategies, and popular sentiment from several time periods in US history reflect the historical tensions and unexpected political alliances.
We’ll mention some of those policies and strategies researched by Migration Information Source and I will compare with the Spanish immigration policies:
Immigration law maintained an annual limit on numbers of immigration.
Something similar situation is occurring in Spain, where each third month the employment office published a list of available work position for foreign nationals. Any other job offer have been hiring with national workers. The reality is that normally those lists is not much useful to hiring foreign nationals because the public jobs offers are not request for companies or are not commonly positions.
To hiring a foreign national, the Spanish immigration policies allowed two possibilities: the work permit request for a company of strategic economic sector (Renewable energies, Environmental, Water and water treatment, Life sciences, Aeronautics and aerospace). Or in others cases, is request a labor certificate of the Spanish employment office to allowed the work permit for a foreign national. Note we don’t mention the big companies; those are object of another study.
The new wave of immigrations has been more diverse than at any point in history due to elimination of Asian exclusion and the national-origins system, as well as decolonization in Africa and Asia, which includes the first flow of immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa since the abolition of slavery.
Spain has signed different agreements with Latin countries as Peru or Chile; those allowed the hiring of foreigners workers without any request more than the labor contract. In fact, all the people knows the immigration flows are the results of the economic stage that’s why in our next post we will do examine some refers about this topic.
Venkat Raju T
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